Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Today I Didn't Even Have To Use My AK

.... I'd Have To Say It Was A Good Day."

Everybody knows I love poker and most of my close friends know I'm alright at the game.

Last night I ventured into uncharted territory, playing in a "high stakes" cash game, and walked away positive about 2-hun, an Ice Cube type good day.

But the evening enhanced itself becuase of two moments.

1) While playing, I decided I wanted to be Phil Ivey, the best poker player on the planet by most accounts, and put on my I-Pod. Yeah, me and YRUN2DP (The I-Pod's name as well as this blog) were going to have a chill session.

The dealer promptly told me that I wasn't allowed to wear headphones. Seriously. He then joked about how he wished I could turn it up so he could hear it.

"You wouldn't want to listen to this," I said jokingly.

"Yeah, I don't like that rap stuff," he quipped back illiciting evil stares and chimes from everyone at the table. "What? There's too much violence. I like the beat. But it's too violent."

This was an older white male, like the old guy in Ocean's 11 and 12. I had to get him.

"You know, I don't even like rap music," I said speaking truthfully. "I prefer soul music. But right now I'm listening to something you would like. Frank Sinatra's Mack The Knife."

Now I lied about that last part, but his look said he was stunned that I even knew what Mack The Knife was. Impressed, nonetheless, he nodded his head not understanding that I had baited him.

"You know what Mack the Knife is about, right?" a fellow player asked the dealer, who knew he'd been duped. "It's about a serial killer."

2) There was one other priceless moment, that actually cost me a few dollars. A dealer dealt me a 9-2 offsuit, a hand not worth playing.

Disgusted by my lack of good cards, I mucked my hand so hard the it showed.

"Dude, you should never fold that hand, you have to play that 9-2 off every time," said this gentleman to my right, of course he was being sarcastic.

I looked at him with a slight smirk because, well, I like sarcastic assholes because I can be one of the best.

Then the flop came. 9-9-2. Everyone at the table busted out in laughter as if there had been a bad beat or something. Sarcasm Sam and I high five each other because it was the funniest thing to happen all night.

Inside though, I was pissed.