Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I'm sure you're probably wondering why the blog is titled YRUN2DP?, and just what in the world it means. Well if you don't know, you better ask somebody. Preferably not me. I'm not letting the cat out.
It's really not that difficult, and when you figure it out after 60 seconds (hopefully, it doesn't take that long), it might leave you hating me just a tad. This is me to the core - being anal when I don't really have to be, but what can I say?
Motorists in Kansas and Missouri will hate me more whenever I get a new whip. YRUN2DP will be what my personalized tags read. No hints ... figure it out for yourself, and slap yourself upside your head if it takes you more than a minute. Aight, this is enough for one day. There's more to come with the start of a new day. Late.