...this moment of clarity, this moment of honesty. The world will feel my truth."
So two posts ago, my ability to have to converse with people of the opposite sex came into question. Not once, but twice.
Bad thing was, I could actually understand the complaints, but from a slightly different perspective. It's obvious that I'm from Mars, but I actually understand Venusian very well. Still, I guess I have my moments like most other males. The Soulmistress chimed in on this topic after cosigning on the belieanchica's arguement, and gave me this essay about relationships and why they fall apart because of communication, or lack thereof.
It's titled: Sex, Lies and Conversation; Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?
It's actually pretty insightful, going into a lot of theories and tests most people wouldn't even think possible. But it kind of explains the typical male-female relationship, and why a man supposedly doesn't talk much inside of a relationship, and why we may tend to jump around in conversation. Here are a few excerpts:
So much of this is who I am, but reading this made me realize that I actually have been extremely spoiled to a degree with Double B. Not to say I don't have good conversations with other women, but she actually fully understands me and how I talk. I've never actually had to fight to have a conversation - unless we were fighting/arguing. There's actually a good balance of all of the things explained in the excerpts levied between us, which is actually quite rare within a male-female relationship.
I actually notice that with other female friends, even the ones I like a lot, my mind tends to wander a bit. I don't know if its a difference in likeness or if I'm actually that uninterested in general or if they're that uninteresting.
I guess I let it show a little more often than I would like. Sorry.
I've kinda dismissed the idea that a soulmate exists per relationship experiences of the last four years. But if there's one out there for me, even if we don't end up together, it's probably the Black Barbie, no doubt, per this conversational thing alone.
Dude, we could talk about a leaf on the branch of a tree for an hour, weave about a million different topics into the conversation, end up talking about the leaf and be laughing and smiling throughout the whole tree talk. We have enough inside jokes to make Bobby & Whitney jealous (and no we don't do coke or smoke the grass).
It's almost like we met on Pluto, and made up our own language, Plutian, and no matter how hard gravity, or whatever the hell it maybe, tries to pull us away from Pluto, we always get sucked back into our own little world of blissful irrationality, otherwise known as love.
Maybe that's why I never really give up.
"When your sense got that much in common, and you been (loving) since, your inception fuck perception, go with what makes sense." Jay-Z, Moment of Clarity