Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hints of No Tact ...

I covered a swim meet on Saturday, which means I spent the better part of the day listening to music in the hospitality room.

They had Chipotle, a weakness of mine and most any other person who has spent any time on Ninth Street near the Mizzou campus from 2002 to now. It actually repulses me to a degree now because I had too much of it at one point. I haven't had it since a February Mizzou trip.

But I told myself I'd eat whatever they had because I didn't want to cook on Saturday, and didn't want to spend any dinero either. So half of a chicken burrito and some chips and salsa it was.

So there I sat, listening to some good music with my big head phones on my head looking like the 'Big Poppa' kid in Hardball. I refuse to wear earbuds. They're supposed to screw your hearing up in a major way.

But I sat with food in mouth enjoying myself when a white coach from a suburban high school asked me an ignorant question.

"So are you putting together a rap album for us to listen to out by the pool," he said, assuming I was taking in the sounds of Young Jeezy or T.I.?

I gave him the blank "are you fucking serious" look, and politely told him no. If I could have had my way in the moment, I would have snapped at his ass and asked him something just as ignorant.

But I kept my cool, and just said "no" as he walked by. Eventually I went back into the Natatorium, and realized I may have been one of four black people in the room. Troubling.

The irony of the situation - Luther proved to be my song of choice for the time, not any "rap (black)" music.
Speaking of Luther, there aren't many people on this Earth who could have a seven-minute song that didn't say a word until the 1:30 mark, and you'd listen to the entire thing, start to finish. Luther was the truth.
Riddle me this (the matching game):
*12 years for stealing $200 ( a man with priors).
*Life with the eligibility of parole after 12 years for kicking & killing a baby who didn't crawl up the stairs fast enough. (no priors)

Who is the black man? Who is the white one?
Read the stories, and you'll see just how ignorant we as a people, black and white, would be to think racial relations have improved.