"so i ask you...
if God is love...
then why is my God not good enough for her?"
Shihan, In Response
I heard Shihan say these words in person last Thursday, and felt him. Then I saw it on a facebook profile of a friend's and asked her, we'll call her SmileyFace, if it came from a conversation we had recently because of topic we were discussing, inter-faith relationships.
I chilled and talked with SmileyFace about her relationship situation, things abound concerning myself and why what had happened went down.
I could understand why things wouldn't work in her situation considering the difference in fundemental beliefs. But the words above hearken you to wonder if love is what really matters in the end - and the beginning for that matter - why do people trip off of small and medium-sized things and miss the bigger picture?
Don't get me wrong, religion is a major thing. But different denominations within a specific religion, say Chrisitianity, causing a relationship to go haywire seems like it could be trivial. If you believe that there is one God, and he is love; if you believe there was a Son who died for your sins, then what's big difference?
So, you go to confession, and he takes communion on the first Sunday. So, you want to be baptized, and she doesn't want to be symbolically submerged in the holy water. Does that stop you from loving someone for who they are?
I understand the desire to be with someone who believes what you believe because it makes things easier. I understand that there are potential problems with what the kids would do, if you had any. Just a thought, but considering that most kids mimmick their parents political and relgious beliefs, would it be a bad idea for them to be able to make up there own minds seriously?
Really, this is a confusing, complex situation because I know that I want to be with someone who believes what I believe because that makes life easier.
When I was presented with the situation from SmileyFace, I just wondered if I'd be able to handle that situation myself.
I consider myself a person who is accepting and embracing of differences and faults. And I think I would be okay being in an inter-denominational relationship. I think it would be a little too odd to be with someone outside of Christianity. But I think that the thought of understanding that "God is Love" allows for me to embrace someone who believes that foremost for who they are.
Honestly, i don't know. I'm just thinking aloud (or not really aloud, but I hope that you can still hear me). I just think that when you love someone for who they are, none of this stuff really matters - not small annoying things, not denomination, not race, not creed.
Love makes you lose your shape, as Shihan says, and allows for you to embrace your love's good and bad, positives and negatives, faults and differences because you love that person as though God loves you ...
"see in the beginning there was the word
and the word was with God
and the word was HER
and God took one of her ribs to create me now her one rib less was left with a shape
and i left shapeless
now 1 + 1 = 1
our union created a bond that could not be broken we consummated our commitment to each other and created our first child
now 1 + 1 = 3
and i know the math sounds strange
and sometimes i find myself struggling with divinity
but why try
Mother...Father...Child is the Holy Trinity"
Shihan, In Response
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
If God Is Love ...
words of
11:30 AM
Labels: Relationships
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