Sunday, June 11, 2006

"You (Non- PG 13 Word)ed Mia ..."

... is a line that led to a pummelling of a Best Man from a groom becuase well ...

He "(non-PG 13 word)ed Mia," the groom's bride to be. Most of you know this situation from The Best Man. It's my favorite line in the movie, I think.

But a fellow blogger recently wrote about the idea of dating a friend's ex (or in this case, sleeping with their bride to be), and whether or not it's okay. Now, let's get this out of the way: unless the bride is Halle Berry, there' s no reason for the Best Man to sleep with the groom's fiancee, and even that's a stretch.

Now dating a friend's ex: I don't think that should be done either, except for in extreme situations.

I remember back to middle and high school, the formative years, how friends would switch out boy and girlfriends like boys trading baseball cards or girls borrowing clothes. It was the thing to do.

I never really understood it. Why would I ever want to lay hands on a woman one of my boys had been drooling over. That's just wrong because you hurt people's feelings.

I didn't follow through with something this ignorant in high school nor college. Actually, I've never officially done it. But I did come close after graduation.

One of my boys had been feeling this girl for a while, and when they stopped talking on her accord he asked me to do damage control: talk to her and see where her head was. She seemed to be good people from the times we met.

And once we started talking, things kind of clicked, that good converastion, ya know? And at that time I thought it was extremely rare, and it still is, that you find people you can just talk for hours about anything and not want to get off the phone or leave that person's presence.

Well we both knew we liked each other. She knew nothing was going to work with this guy. But we also knew we weren't going anywhere more than friendship to make sure we didn't hurt our mutual friend.

She and I talked about it. Cleared the air, and definte our situation as just a friendship. We'd hang out every now and then - go stepping, drinking and chill out - but no romanticism in the place. Be adults, and that would be the end of it. Right?

Wrong. A day after our talk, our mutual friend asked me what was up with me and his ex. I don't lie, and I figured that telling the truth would be the best thing to do, so I did...

and I lost friend. Dude couldn't understand how I could even like her. In some ways, I felt him because I wouldn't want any of my guys after my exs - anybody I've slept with or talked to either - either, but it happens. It's probably happening right now.

It's a part of life. I thought I'd done him justice by not acting. But I was wrong.

Maybe I should have gone the whole way so he could have attempted to hold me over his balcony and scream at me about how I'm not God and how he could kill me. But this isn't a movie, and Taye Diggs role in the best man will not be the story of my life.

I've never slept with a friend's ex, and never will I.