Sunday, January 21, 2007

The First Ever BlackBowl

I guess I can predict the future like Cleo. I picked the Bears and the Colts to both cover their spreads. They did, and headed to the SuperBowl. My next prediction is the scary one though. I'll get to it in a minute.

First off, I'm happy for Peyton Manning. Dude should win one. I'm happy for my Chicago friends because they get a team in the Superbowl, though I honestly believe there's no way they win it with Grossman at quarterback.

Lastly, and most importantly, there are two black head coaches in the Superbowl - Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith. Who would have thought that were possible at the beginning of the season.

In all honestly, I think more people would have figured two offensive linemen would have scored touchdowns in the same game, which actually happened today, than two black head coaches in the Superbowl.

It's amazing. I think my brother put it best though.

"We're guaranteed that a black coach is going to win for the first time."

Yeah, that's true.

Ready for my real prediction? I think we might elect a black president next year as well. Wouldn't that be something? I'd just be scared that Barack might get the treatment that Chris Rock says the first black president will receive - a few rounds of bullets.