Monday, March 26, 2007

The Groove is Gone

So is the thrill. If you didn't know, Terry McMillan, the author of the best-selling How Stella Got Her Groove Back, is suing her ex-husband – you know, the one who now claims to be gay, Jonathan Plummer, who somehow wound us a hairdresser – for $40 million.

I only have about 50 problems with this whole ordeal. No really, I just want Terry McMillan to find a corner, sit in it and stay there until she realizes just how dumb this is.

Terry, you are the person who had the money in this relationship. The only way this dude could even fork up $40 million is if that’s what you had to give him in a divorce settlement, and I doubt that’s feasible.

So what are you doing? Creating unnecessary drama and making yourself look like more of a fool chasing after a gay man with no money.

This would have been better as a ridiculous spinoff Stella aptly title The Groove is Gone. In fact, it might have earned you the $40 million you’re looking for from Jonathan Plummer. But you’re clearly not getting two dimes from your ex who, must we remind you is a hairdresser.
If you don't know what crazy looks like, here she is. Avoid her at all costs.

This leads me to my next question: Why in divorce proceedings do the separating parties decide to rip each other limb from limb with the obvious intention of destroying what happens to be left of their once love's life?

This one is really bothering me right now. If I were to divorce (it would be because of something my wife did), I don’t know that I’d care to leave with much more than what I came into the relationship with and the dog. My car … ok, the house, the kids, a nice child support check drawn directly from her check (I really want my kids) and every dime in every bank account. Okay, nevermind. Forget I even asked that question.