... are you for sure?
Remember that Total song. Yeah, I just played with the words a little. But the answer to that question: no one, and sometimes not even yourself.
What am I talking about? This rampant steriod scandal. Barry Bonds. Liar. Justin Gatlin. Liar. Floyd Landis. Liar.
And being the "men are good at heart" type, I want to believe Gatlin and Landis. I want to believe Gatlin is the world most humble and fastest sprinter. I want to believe that Landis can make an eight-minute comeback to win the Tour de Lance. Hell, I even want to believe Barry wasn't juiced.
But at this point, whose words can you trust? Nobody's.
But what's worse is that these idiots (let it be noted that I don't think Barry Bonds is an idiot for trying to beat the system with an then untraceable steriod or fabricating a halfway believeable story to the grand jury, but he is an idiot for evading taxes) Landis and Gatlin actually used performance enhancing drugs knowing full well that they would be caught.
I don't know. I think that I would rather finish second and nobody know my name than be first, have the glory for a few days or weeks, and then go into hiding because I cheated to win and got caught.
It just shows that people have no shame. But what it really shows is that they have no concern for the truth/ That why they come up with elaborate stories to combat the obvious.
"My testosterone levels are normally high."
"Somebody rubbed a cream on me and I didn't know it."
These excuse are like a man up for murder saying he didn't strangle the victim although her skin, blood and DNA were found under his finger nails. Clearly.
Right about now, I don't trust any professional athletes to do right. Sorry. Let me be PC. I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that 90 percent of professional athletes used performance enhancers.
Seriously, if someone told you that if you took steriods for five years of your life you could make $20 million playing baseball, wouldn't you do it? It beats playing the lottery (which I will do tomorrow).
And the other 10 percent? Who cares because they're not winning.
Side Note: I wonder what Shaq would look like on steriods.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Who Can You Trust?
words of
3:20 AM
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